Richland Co., Ohio

Neighborhood News

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The Bellville Weekly - 22 December 1876


Source:  The Bellville Weekly, 22 December 1876, Vol. V, No. 38 (source documents held by Bellville / Jefferson Township Historical Society)

CENTENNIAL IMPROVEMENTS IN THE LEEDY VALLEY -- The Centennial year has been a prosperous one to the inhabitants of the Leedy Valley.  Considerable progress has been made in the line of building, beautifying house yards, under draining and remodeling farms.  Crops have yielded well and are of good quality.  Plenty of fruit;  vegetables, potatoes, cabbage, &c. fall below an average yield.  The building interest has been quite lively, and several new buildings have been reared, and others finished, which add much to the looks of the country.  The first that we shall notice is a barn built by ISAAC LEEDY, which is 70 feet long by 42 feet wide, with a shed for straw and manure 26' x 36'.  The feed hall runs the length of the barn in the center and the stables are on each side, and the granary is so located above that the feed is transmitted by a special tube to the feed box of each horse.  About midway the length of the barn, on one side of the hall, is a corn crib, with doors for filling it in the threshing floor.  The whole arrangement is original and very complete, so that any one who contemplates building would do well to examine this one.  It is nicely painted and cost upward of $2,000.  JOSEPH LEEDY, near Ankenytown [Knox Co.], has finished his residence, which is 40x35 feet, and in style and beauty, will compare favorably with any in the country.  C. SWANK is building a residence 32x34 feet, which promises to be a very fine one when done.  It will cost upward of $1500, excepting his labor and nearly all the lumber.  The GARBER boys have built an addition to their dwelling 14x33 feet, designed for a laundry, kitchen and wood house.  CHRISTLEY SWANK bought six acres of land of A.B. LEEDY, and built upon it a neat little home.  Messrs. AARON LEEDY and J.L. GARBER, have remodeled their house yards, so that with their new brick mansions, form beauty spots in unseen land.  Mr. LEEDY has also, at a large expense, furnished his house with some of the most elegant furniture from Cleveland.

FIRE AT CHICAGO JUNCTION -- Last Friday night a week ago, the town of Chicago, Ohio, met with a serious misfortune in the way of a visit from the fire fiend.  The row of business houses east of the depot was discovered to be on fire some time before midnight, in the vicinity of Miller's hall, and, the wind blowing very hard at the time, the row from Bowlby House to the post office, numbering sixteen buildings in all, was entirely consumed by the devouring element.  Some of the buildings, we understand, were very heavily insured, and some had little if any insurance on them.  This fire robs the village of the chief business houses of the place and will be, for a time at least, a serious drawback to the growth of the town.  Nothing is known to a certainty as to how the fire originated, but it is supposed to be the work of an incendiary.

CHRISTIAN ETZ had his left hand caught in the gearing of a threshing machine, and so mutilated that it had to be amputated.

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Advertiser's Index

  • Mrs. R. McBride (millinery and fancy goods at Mansfield)
  • J.B. Lewis, M.D.
  • C. Schroer (furniture)
  • A.H. Redding (attorney)
  • L.W. Nevius (dentistry)
  • G.S. & R.W. Bell (dry goods)
  • Dr. V.H. Reisinger (dentistry)
  • Dr. W.T. McMahon
  • Globe House (hotel)
  • J.P. Walsh (saddles)
  • Irwin Fisher (groceries)
  • John Null (blacksmith)
  • Cunningham & Little (lumber yard)
  • James Rhinehalt (blacksmith)
  • Alexander & Zent (woolen mill)
  • S.O. Singer (furs)
  • Dr. S.R. Stofer
  • W.H. Smith (livery)
  • C.L. Miller (auctioneer)
  • J. Latham (Chromos)
  • Van Dorn & Waddell (drugs)

Transcribed by Amy E. Armstrong, Monday, April 23, 2007

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Monday, April 23, 2007